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Red Flags for Domestic Violence

Does your partner:
â—¦Expect you to spend all of your time with them or to “check in” with and let them know where you are?
â—¦Act extremely jealous and/or possessive of you?
â—¦Isolate you by controlling where you go, who you see and talk to, or what you wear?
â—¦Treat you with disrespect and put you down?
â—¦Put down your friends and family, your dreams, ideas and/or goals?
â—¦Lose their temper frequently over little things?
â—¦Make you feel as if you are walking on eggshells to keep the peace?
â—¦Make threats to hurt you, leave you, hurt your pets, destroy your property and/or commit suicide if you don’t do what they want?
â—¦Play mind games or make you feel guilty?
â—¦Refuse to take responsibility for their actions? Blame you, drugs or alcohol, his boss, parents, etc. for their behavior?
If you or someone you know is a victim of Domestic Violence, please know that there IS confidential help available.


Red flags Abusers Signs Abuse Power and
Healthy Relationship Equality wheel_edit

You Deserve A Life Free From

Power and Control

The Equality Wheel shows what 'healthy relationships' can and look like. By clicking the GET HELP links below, you are taking the first step towards being in charge of your self-care.

If you are in immediate danger or facing homelessness, please know you can go to the closest hospital emergency room or Police Station to be safe for the night or call 911.


Additionally, we at LLN can help with a one-time mini grant from our Get Safe Fund, toward DV related expenses that range from help with food, clothes to emergency hotel stays for up to 3 nights (MAX), regardless of where you live. 


Apply for the Get Safe Fund Initiative below.


Need Financial Assistance 
Apply to the Get Safe Fund

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Teens Dating Violence
National Resource
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