The Get Safe Fund Initiative was created in 2020, as a way to help relieve some of the financial pressure, associated with a sur-THRIVER making their initial steps toward safety.
Through the support of our generous grantors (listed at bottom of page), and donations from public, we are able to assist with gap filler expenses for those making their way toward a life FREE of power and control.
D.V. related expenses?
``...we might be able to help, but you MUST be working with a DV Advocate to be eligible. If you do not have one``
Are you seeking to leave or have left (no more than one month ago) an abusive relationship (emotional, verbal or physical) and need help with a DV related expense?
LLN can possibly give a helping hand via a one-time, mini-grant, toward only one of the following:
- Emergency Shelter: hotel stays, temporary housing fees.
- Transportation: bus/train tickets, ride-share services, or gas cards.
- Essential Needs: food, clothing, personal hygiene items.
- Partial Rental Assistance: partial apartment or mortgage payment.
Please note, all information is kept CONFIDENTIAL.
You must already be working with a DV advocate from a DV agency.
Not a prior applicant.
Be able to provide their contact information. We are happy to provide information for one in your area, if you do not have an advocate.
Please allow up to 48 hours for a response,
between the hours of 8am to 5pm - Monday through Friday.

***Please note that all questions must be answered in order to submit form***
Please complete the entire form.